Sunday 1 April 2007

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Time passed
Its been a while not blogging...n lots of things happend in a flash...however this doesnt stop me from doing my rubber band ball project..
here wat u get to c...from where i stop till now

this is phase 2...which using baseball as indicator of the growth of rbb...Amazing rite!!

Just to show u wat it used to make for this rbb

I will quantify the rubberband so next time can record down the quantity i used to make this rbb

Things happend during de time im not blogg

Due to "permanent shut down" of my old pc..i need to fund my new pc...sell off my parts at  n same spoiled...roughly spent bout 3k for tat..sigh...

This is where my car send for mud-guard

know what is tat? this is when de tow truck find trouble towing a 4 wheels

PS:sum said my blog is too long...well i ll make it short n put more graphic