Thursday 27 October 2011

Inviting all Rubber Band Ball enthusiast

Welcome to Rubber Band Ball blog
My Name is Steven from Malaysia. Im currently collecting a list of people making rubber band ball and this enable to share their thoughts, opinion, problem encounter, provide solution when making their own rubber band ball.
Who knows you may be the next person in the picture below

I hope i can collect as many picture of your rubber band ball while you can promote yours as well. Please email me to

Friday 21 October 2011

App wish list

We all have wish, particularly an application wish that could ease and simplfy your life by downloading into your smart phone. All right, you may find this website usefull if you got what i mean

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Know how to shorten your URL?

Came across this website meant to shorten your URL name
take mine for example became
Specially dedicated to Malaysian online!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

How to Make Rubber Band Ball

As simple as 123 or you can follow the video clip

Step 1
Start the rubber band ball by simply wrapping a single rubber band around a small marble or another small object until the band is tightly stuck around the marble. Or, maybe to start, you could use a small pencil to start the ball by wrapping the rubber band around it. Then, try sliding the rubber band off the end of the pencil. It will be a small, tight ball made out of a single rubber band. Instead of the pencil, take a small piece of paper or aluminum foil, and crumple it up many times so that it is a firm and very small sphere. Start wrapping the rubber bands around that. It will give you a solid center to start with or another choice is to use a bouncy ball to wrap the bands around.

Step 2
Or you can take three or four rubber bands and roll them in your hands until they are compressed slightly. Hold it with one hand and....Wrap another rubber band around that one.Keep wrapping rubber bands around and around till there is no give on it, and it's tightly wrapped.

Step 3
Before you put each new rubber band on the ball, toss it up in the air with a little spin (it doesn't matter what direction). This ensures that the ball will have a new, random orientation when you put each new band on. It will also keep your hand from cramping up, and keep the ball balanced.

Monday 17 October 2011

Largest rubber band ball

Last week, been to Cathay Cineplex to watch REAL STEEL a robot sparring film in the year of 2020, is good to watch however the storyline is predictable not truthfully amazing. Pretty funky to watch ATOM dance in hip hop rhythm with the mirroring function of a human and eventually win as a sparring bot (Clapclap~~) Wonder our world would evolve to feed the audience satisfaction in the coming future?

Here are some picture of World Largest Rubber Band Ball

All these are real and is started from a small rubber band ball to enormous size, you may find "How to make rubber band ball" in the coming blog.

Thursday 6 October 2011

4 years later

Couldn't believe i managed to retrieve my previous blog which i did 4 years ago! If you don't get what im saying just click on this link
which referring a rubber band ball project n my weekly or monthly blog starting from 2007.

Times flies and looking back what i gone through is so thrilling, i have been through the stage of property investment, marriage, fatherhood in 4 years. Someone just nudge me and say "hey, why dig your own grave so early" replied "if i know what to do i will just do it and do it fast" this sentence just strike from my mind naturally. I hope to continue my blog in future and build a bigger rubber band ball. In fact that ball in the picture is still with me and is bigger now. Is time to back to restart the engine, catch up for coming blog. 

Many comes to me and ask how to make it you may refer to the link below

You may add me in Facebook - Steven Siew Chok Wai

Sunday 1 April 2007

Back online

Time passed
Its been a while not blogging...n lots of things happend in a flash...however this doesnt stop me from doing my rubber band ball project..
here wat u get to c...from where i stop till now

this is phase 2...which using baseball as indicator of the growth of rbb...Amazing rite!!

Just to show u wat it used to make for this rbb

I will quantify the rubberband so next time can record down the quantity i used to make this rbb

Things happend during de time im not blogg

Due to "permanent shut down" of my old pc..i need to fund my new pc...sell off my parts at  n same spoiled...roughly spent bout 3k for tat..sigh...

This is where my car send for mud-guard

know what is tat? this is when de tow truck find trouble towing a 4 wheels

PS:sum said my blog is too long...well i ll make it short n put more graphic