Thursday 6 October 2011

4 years later

Couldn't believe i managed to retrieve my previous blog which i did 4 years ago! If you don't get what im saying just click on this link
which referring a rubber band ball project n my weekly or monthly blog starting from 2007.

Times flies and looking back what i gone through is so thrilling, i have been through the stage of property investment, marriage, fatherhood in 4 years. Someone just nudge me and say "hey, why dig your own grave so early" replied "if i know what to do i will just do it and do it fast" this sentence just strike from my mind naturally. I hope to continue my blog in future and build a bigger rubber band ball. In fact that ball in the picture is still with me and is bigger now. Is time to back to restart the engine, catch up for coming blog. 

Many comes to me and ask how to make it you may refer to the link below

You may add me in Facebook - Steven Siew Chok Wai

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